Sunday 7 July 2013

Sensory Bin – Farm Animals


I really like this farm animals sensory bin. I bought some packs of animals toys from a toy shops, adding in some I had founded at home. I did not use a tray or basket to set up this, instead I just putting all these on the table, look much more “real”, right?

The background was a barn picture inside the animals toys I bought. I had divided it into three parts: Barn, grass field and lake. You can refer to my last post on how to make the farm barn. I bought the grass field from a shop at the fake flowers division. I had use this grass field in my another sensory bin too – Outdoor Game sensory bin.


I just cut out a “similar” lake shape from blue foam paper. Adding in some rocks and ducks to make it nicer. Since the goose is standing, so I just putted it at the side of the lake. Look at the little pig at the right side, looking at the ducks.. is it looks cute ^_^ ..


This goat is looking at the grass, planning to eat it ~


Chicken on the fence


Mr Cow is going back into the barn.


There are a chicken and a bird standing on the roof of the barn.


Was Debo like the barn sensory bin? After she saw it, first felt excited, second…. put all those animals into the barn (or box)… 20130706_115852  20130706_120319

Tidy up and closed it nicely… leaving the grass on the table.


Lastly… this was how the sensory bin looked like after Debo saw it. Was she not happy with the animals or she is a good cleaner? But I do enjoying setting up these farm animals ^_^

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