Saturday, 6 April 2013

Sensory Bin – Pets (Letter C for Cat)


What I can find for this week sensory bin was two doggie, two rabbits, a cat and bird. Thought to make some sawdust as the base for the sensory bin but unable to find any, so just use a fine linen as the base. A basket was used as bird nest and toilet paper roll as house for the two little rabbit and a fabric basket with ribbon inside as cat’s bed. As I saw the sensory bin was a bit sparse, so I put in the pink flower inside the bin…look nice hor??


I had DIY a doggie house, using a box and felt paper as the roof. I named the doggie house as BEN because I remember there is a nursery song name “My Dog Ben”.. I like the house’s name board, it was a bone shape… using the foam paper to make it…

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